Silvia and her late husband, Isaac Perez, served together at a church in Baja California, Mexico. Isaac served as the church’s Pastor until his passing in 2021. Since his passing, Silvia has continued their ministry at the church with her focus on leading women’s Bible studies, prayer meetings, and overseeing the children’s ministry across the main church and six missions. She coordinates Bible teaching, trains teachers, and provides materials for the children’s programs. Silvia also organizes major church events like women’s and men’s conferences, Bible schools, and special gatherings.

Despite the challenges of widowhood, Silvia remains spiritually encouraged and trusts fully in God’s faithfulness. Her greatest passion is serving the Lord wholeheartedly with the gifts He has given her to magnify His Kingdom and glorify His name.

The Hessel Church has financially supported the Perez’s ministry for about 20 years.